1. Working Title: Definitive Times
2. Aims and Objectives:
Discover my own defining moments
Share my defining moments
Allow people to reflect on, and understand, their own defining moments
Help those supporting someone through these defining moments
Watch/sort through old childhood footage
Note significant moments in my life
Interview other trans people / artist's and discover their defining moments
Recreate moments on film that I don't have footage of
Compile footage in a logical order, use storyboarding to help
Transform footage into an animation to put a step between the footage of myself and the audience, making the film easier for a viewer to project onto
3. Context (Including Historical, Contemporary and Theoretical):
Gender Recognition Laws on self ID - highlights how a doctor would not be more qualified than the individual to diagnose gender dysphoria
Auto / biographical films and animations that allow you to resonate and emphasise with a person / group of people
Judith Butler - gender is performative
4. Methodology:
Recording my thoughts and feelings on revisiting old footage / memories
Recording my conversations with other trans people
Screenshots of progress while compiling the footage
Video updates while animating small extracts at a time
Update all of these within my blog
5. Outcomes:
A live-action film used for reference (this may be made clear in colour changes or background changes)
An animation created from the live reference using rotoscoping
As well as all these steps in-between the two:
a black outline of the foreground - characters (of existing footage and re-created moments, live-action of vlogging/reflecting/narrating)
a black outline of the whole film (of existing footage and re-created moments, live-action of vlogging/reflecting/narrating)
a black outline with colour-fill of the foreground, and black outline of the background (of existing footage and re-created moments, live-action of vlogging/reflecting/narrating)
a black outline with colour-fill of the whole film (of existing footage and re-created moments, live-action of vlogging/reflecting/narrating)
a version where the memories (existing footage and re-created moments) is in black and white, and the live-action is in colour
a version where the memories (existing footage and re-created moments) is in colour, and the live-action is in colour
a version where the memories (existing footage and re-created moments) is in black and white, and the live-action is in colour - and also rotoscoped like the rest of the film
6. Work Plan:
Switch between compiling, storyboarding, creating live-footage and animating so as to not lose momentum, and spread out the close-up screen time of the detailed animation process.
7. Bibliography:
Separate live document.