1. Working Title: Defining Moments of a Trans Experience
2. Aims and Objectives:
Discover my own defining moments
Share my defining moments
Watch/sort through old childhood footage
Note significant moments in my life
Interview other trans people / artist's and discover their defining moments
Recreate moments on film that I don't have footage of
Compile footage in a logical order, use storyboarding to help
Transform footage into an animation to put a step between the footage of myself and the audience, making the film easier for a viewer to project onto
3. Context (Including Historical, Contemporary and Theoretical):
Gender Recognition Laws on self ID - highlights how a doctor would not be more qualified than the individual to diagnose gender dysphoria
Auto / biographical films and animations that allow you to resonate and emphasise with a person / group of people
Judith Butler - gender is performative
4. Methodology:
Recording my thoughts and feelings on revisiting old footage / memories
Recording my conversations with other trans people
Screenshots of progress while compiling the footage
Video updates while animating small extracts at a time
Update all of these within my blog
5. Outcomes:
A live-action film used for reference (this may be made clear in colour changes or background changes)
An animation created from the live reference using rotoscoping
6. Work Plan:
Switch between compiling, storyboarding, creating live-footage and animating so as to not lose momentum, and spread out the close-up screen time of the detailed animation process.
7. Bibliography:
Separate live document.