During March/April I will be running an arts based programme for the LGBTQ+ Galaxy Youth Group in Stoke-on-Trent. Working with a group of ten young people aged 13-18 each week, most likely the same people but some may change, it is a project that is intended to help the young people with their mental health by using arts and crafts in a therapeutic way. Below is my session plans:
Session 1: 21st Century Teen
Create a Sellotape casted sculpture that is gender-neutral to represent all of them
Split into two groups: A – start off sellotaping, B – compile and cut out collaging materials for themselves
Sellotape group take a body part each, and hand off to a member of group B at half-way point
Session 2a: 21st Century Teen
Finish Sellotape sculpture (if necessary)
Collage sculpture as a group, create a representation of everyone
Session 2b: The Inspirational
Learn about inspirational LGBTQ+ people throughout history
Create monoprints of themselves, and those who inspire them using rainbow-coloured printing ink
Arrange in a rainbow for display
Session 3: Listen and Interpret
Listen to different versions of the same piece of music: original, live, cover
Consider how the music makes them feel/what they think of
Plan their response to the piece of music
Create their painting
Session 4: Rainbow Explosion
Planning stage: design shoes and drawstring bag
Create a tie-dye t-shirt
Session 5: Rainbow Explosion
Making stage: paint their shoes and bag
Session 6: Conceptions of Calm
Create a jigsaw puzzle display of how they self-care
Brain-storm session to give ideas to everyone as to how they could be self-caring: pamper session, exercise, reading, socialising, playing with pets, music – listening to/playing instrument, films/TV, cooking/baking
Draw and colour their puzzle piece to show their methods of self-care/how they would like to self-care