1. Introduction
General introduction to me, and add that I'm transgender
2. Family
Where I was born
Who I live with
My extended family
3. Coming Out
How I came out - who to first
Reactions to me coming out
4. Growing up tom-boy
Dressing up as male characters
Trying to cut my hair short
Taking dad's boxers to wear
Joining Boys Brigade
Football kit
Writing about how much I hated myself on all the bathroom tiles
Attempting to fit in as a girl
5. Socially transitioning
Changing name
Going back to college
Buying first pair of boxers
Getting first binder
First suit
Affirmation of faith - recognised in the church
Period's in men's toilets before jaydess implant settled
6. Feelings
Sit-down conversation with my parents about everything
7. Gendercare / Egg-freezing
Giving up waiting for NHS, going private
Green-light for testosterone providing Vitamin D count rose
Told to think about egg-freezing
Egg-freezing process
8. Testosterone
First t-shot
Voice drop
Confidence it brought
9. Top surgery
Ideally have, and document, top-surgery in the next year or so as part of the project