b-arts building made out of old spaceship parts
Creating little scenarios throughout the space (like with Toy Story army men)
Dressing/decorating metal parts to look like spaceship remnants
Space above toilet for a sculpture
Character that lives under staircase who's building a ladder
Holes/cracks in walls to fill with goo or little astronauts
Things you can look through to see other things - window to another dimension
Cracks in paint - moon craters
Floor - surface of the moon
Moon landings - sink into surface what is it made of?
Things that are unfinished/forgotten about
"b-arts is like the moon because"
Moon sounds
Henry hoovers - spies? Rumbas?
Moon's mood changes - interchangeable faces?
Never-ending staircase
Describing words for the moon, for b-arts
Moon as a God
Wizard of Oz - Oz fashion
Joseph - Potiphar's servants
Static sounds