For this week we were asked to consider one of two questions:
What am I struggling with most with my art?
What am I enjoying most with my art?
In groups of three we asked open-ended questions (5 minutes reflection, 20 minutes questions - repeat).
Relationship between technology and society
Technology and humans
Behaviour and habits
Opposite emotions change to mean the same thing
Data pollution
What is the connection between these? The individual smaller connections, not the overarching theme?
How do your chosen artists find these smaller connections? How do they link these themes to their work? What micro-subjects do they hone in on?
Cannot choose one subject to focus on and explore, keeps exploring
How do you keep a lid on your explorations, and should you?
Maybe continuing to explore, and being sucked into a society that's sucked in to the exploration of technology, is part of the practical work itself?
Knows what wants to do practical wise but the research side just grows, hard to concentrate on what already has and feels it's too wide
The research has become data-polluted by it non-stop evolving and distracting from a focus
George - LGBTQ+ friends, send questionnaire to!
Struggling with? Time, job management, enjoying the process
Solution: hand in notice at work (or tried to, cut down hours) - now have time to relax and enjoy the art process again
G - what is responsible for the positive change in your life? A - me.
Use the time to continue working on the animation, but following Jonathan's advice of looking at it as chapters
L - What specifically do you enjoy the most in your creative process - brainstorming or making stuff? A - making, feel like I'm enjoying art again, got my motivation back, enjoying how particular bits could come together
How does my research questionnaire relate to my practical work?
Difference between my positive/negative experiences transitioning compared to people elsewhere in the world
What is the meaning of life?
Science, the big bang, atoms
Feelings and emotions of life vs death - where we go when we die
Installation of five chapters:
1) Light and the elements, first steps of existence
2) How we're selected to be born, AI people
3) Performance piece, dancers, create the stress, hustle and bustle of life but also that contemplative reflection and freedom he experiences in a techno rave
4) Death - not respected in the same way as birth like it used to be
5) Meditative calmness of the afterlife - Buddhism, reincarnation
Creating a contemplative space for people based on own experiences of stress vs calm
Doesn't want to narrow down this broad subject, but maybe he has to some extent? From 'what is life?' to the overwhelming emotions, or lack of, felt in these moments. Either by the person or by those around them and how it connects us all together, how we're connected to people on these experiences?